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Garbage Chat Transcripts

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Wednesday, May 17, 2000

Host: The band members will be out in less than five minutes! Before we begin, we have an announcement, unfortunately, due to bad weather, strikes, locusts, and a few other nasty things, the webcam portion of this event will not take place. Our crew was enroute to Wisconsin and got delayed in Chicago. However! The band members just wrapped up the private chat with 20 winners, and we're giving them a chance to get back to the Arena! We also want to make sure your questions are getting through because this event is about you guys asking questions of the band! Also, we want to announce a couple of winners –

The winner of the Skateboard deck is Stefi S!

The winner of the personalized Autograph is Jahaziel M! Congratulations!!!

Host: Woohoo, your questions are arriving! We can get started! submit questions, just use the Submit a Question button or shift+click on the band when they arrive. Thank you so much for your patience this afternoon! Hope you all met a few new friends today.

Host: If you are here, it's because you are a GARBAGE fan! With no further ado, let me introduce the band...

Host: Thank you for joining us! Steve, Shirley, Butch, Duke, Welcome to the main event! It is great to have you here. We are talking to you from the recording studio...can you tell us how that is going?

Butch: We’ve been holed up at Smart for about a month...

Duke: As I look at my bulletin board, we have around 23 song ideas to work on and while they're loose, we're pretty excited at this point.

Host: We have literally hundreds of questions from the audience, so we will get right to the audience questions and will try to ask as many as we can.

Q -- from psiFlare: any one, what's the most beautiful thing you've experienced?

A -- Shirley: Sex, obviously.

A -- Butch: I think you could include all four of us on that one.

A -- Steve: Ditto!

Q -- from codfish: To all of the band, do you know when the b-sides album will be resumed, and do you have any plans of continuing putting b-sides on the singles?

A -- Duke: We are working on 23 songs, so I'm sure there will be plenty of B-sides once we choose the singles. Yeah, we like doing B sides.

Q: from an excited milkyboy: DOES GARBAGE COME TO PORTUGAL THIS YEAR?

A -- Steve: It looks we're just going to be locked in the studio for most of this year working on this record... so unfortunately it looks like we won't be touring for a while, but Portugal is one of our favorite places, and we look forward to getting back there eventually!

Host: this next one is in two parts

Q -- from backlash: Last summer you guys seemed to be on nearly every sound track and movie advertisement out there -- Will there be more Gems like #1 crush or the world is not enough to tide us over til next years album?

A -- Shirley: No, not for the time being. We're concentrating on new material. We're going to keep you all in suspense!

Host: When do you guys start touring and who will be opening?

A -- Butch: We hope to have the record done by the end of the year. We'll probably go on tour at the beginning of next year. We're not sure who we'll be touring with, but it will depend on what bands are doing and if they're touring. We've been pretty careful about who we tour with, but there will be a lot of good records coming out and good bands, at least we hope so.

Q -- from Mr Self Destruct: Mr Self Destruct - Are they're any new Garbage merchandise in the making?

A -- Shirley: Yes, there is! We're working on a few special ideas, a lot of which have come from suggestions from our fans on our website... and we'll be unleashing them on you very shortly!

Host: from GarbageQueen: Steve, how's being a daddy working out for you? Is it different than you expected?

A -- Steve: I didn't have any idea what to expect, but it's working out just great, except for the fact that you never ever get to sleep. I thought being in a rock band meant you kept late hours, but this is ridiculous!

Shirley: His baby is beautiful!

Q -- from shen-long: I recently went on a tour with my fellow band (middle school I play the trombone) and felt like nervous -- so do u guys get the chills too?

A -- Duke: If I had to go on stage and play the trombone, I'd be really nervous, yeah! (With good reason!) But then I don't play the trombone. :-)

Q -- from butterfly fiend: are you reaching into different goals with the new record?

A -- Butch: So far we're basically jamming every day and coming up with real loose song structures. It's hard to say sonically what it will all sound like until the end of the year when it becomes more focused. For us, it's more interesting because we won't know what it sounds like until it's mixed later this year.

Q -- from momobod: any plans to dabble in the movies after turning down "HiFi" Shirl? if so, which directors would appeal most?

A -- Shirley: Umm, I don't really know. I think I would make a decision based on the part I was offered, and looking at the big picture rather than getting involved for the sake of it. Obviously, there are some directors I would yearn to work with, but I've got my hands full working on this record right now.

Q -- What's your biggest current artistic influence?

A -- Shirley: Russel Crowe.

A -- Butch: The Green Bay Packers.

A -- Steve: Picasso.

A -- Duke: Norman Rockwell.

Host: just a comment from another very excited fan... from POISON_10: We love u here in Detroit,MI woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steve, Shirley, Butch, Duke: We love you too, Detriot!

Q -- from Ruben: How did you choose the visual effects designers for your great videos???

A -- Steve: We've always put a lot of work choosing up and coming directors... We've had a lot of luck doing so. We decide we like them and trust their vision. In turn, they're the ones that decide how the video will look. We've been very fortunate.

Q -- from .:MeL:.:.: To everyone, how do you like being so famous? Can you even keep up with your own selves?

A -- Shirley: Oh, it's swell!

A -- Butch: We do get lots of perks! It's nice to be able to walk into a restaurant and get a good table or bottle of wine. But in Madison, it's very low key and no one bothers us. It's no big deal--I guess everyone knows that this is sort of our home base.


A -- Butch: My father gave me a flat-top every other week since I started growing hair, and it stuck, because I had a butch haircut for years!

Q -- from nope: Any memorable moments from the campus invasion tour you could share with us?

A -- Shirley: We had that amazing tour on the college campus, and had a lot of fun with our opening act, Lit, and they were responsible for many Garbage members and crew arriving very hung-over! For those of you who caught Lit and enjoyed them, they will be going on tour, opening for No Doubt.

Q -- from Ignatius: Are you currently obsessed with anything?

A -- Shirley: Russell Crowe. Every woman in the world is obsessed with him, no?

A -- Steve: Hampers.

Q -- from g Garbagegirl: Shirley, like you were when you were young, I am a big outcast in my school, do you have any helpful tips on how I can deal with this?

A -- Shirley: Become a rock star!

Q -- from Willma: Do you miss sunny Scotland?

A -- Shirley: Um, the ideal of sunny Scotland does not exist. Now rainy Scotland on the other hand...

Host: btw, we've received over 1000 questions!

Q -- from Aimster: What kind of mood do you have to be in to write music?

A -- Duke: I think usually, the best songs come out of bad moods.

A -- Shirley: Bad ones!

Q -- from codfish: Can you guys tell us any more info about the song "jinxed", and duke, can you tell us what inspired the song other than your encounter with the police?

Steve, Shirley, Butch,Duke: Hahaha!

A -- Butch: In the last week, Duke, Billy Bush, and myself have all gotten speeding tickets within three miles of the studio!

Q -- from psiFlare: how much does a song usually change from concept to production? I heard himh was originally hip-hop-esque

A -- Steve: Usually, with a Garbage song, the way a song ends up on the final record is completely, 100% different than how it started out because it goes through so many permutations, with going back and forth and trying new ideas. So we never know how a song will be until the final mixing and the record comes out.

Q -- from Ruben: How did you guys feel on using kilts for the first Garbage concert in Scotland? Was Shirley asking you to wear them?

A -- Duke: It felt good!

A -- Butch: We didn't wear any underwear!

A -- Steve: It was swingin'!

Q -- from GarbageQueen: What was the best halloween costume any of you guys have ever worn when you were young? or most memorable even?

A -- Butch: This is not the best, but years ago I got a bunch of cardboard boxes and covered them with aluminum foil and went as a computer/robot. But all the kids kept putting their wrappers in my slots... And so I got all their garbage!

Host: this comment sums up what a lot of people seem to feel… butterfly fiend: I love you guys so much

Q -- from Sunsetblaze: what are your thoughts on napster/mp3

A --Shirley: We're going to let 'em duke it out. Let the best man win!

Q -- from Misery: if you were the main character in your favorite book, how would you change the ending?

A -- Shirley: One of my favorite books is "All the Pretty Horses", and the protagonist, a boy-man, called John Grady Cole... And if I had my evil way with the book, I would keep him alive.

A -- Steve: I would let Dorothy stay in Oz!

Q -- from Sasha: what question did u like most, from all questions uve been asked ever?

A -- Steve: This one!

A -- Butch: The one that drives us crazy is "How'd you get your name", and we have about 20 different answers we give out, depending on how we feel.

Q --from Chris B: Shirley noted interest in Ravel in Q Mag. Any other classical music influences or interests in the band?

A -- Shirley: Oh God, I'm crazy in love with Ravel, and Schubert, and Chopin.

A -- Duke: I really like Liberace!

A -- Steve: We used a piece by Mahler as intro music for a while. That was something we all really loved.

Q -- from BrainAxe: what was the inspiration for the song Stroke of Luck?

A -- Duke: That song actually started with a noise that we had recorded, that actually we mistakenly recorded that inspired the music at least the lyrics were the first lyrics I ever completed in my entire life.

Host: we're getting a wide range of questions from the audience...

Q -- from Sinister: have u guys had any alien encounters or jest seen UFO’s?

A -- Steve: I never saw a UFO, but I had their first record and it was pretty good.

A -- Duke: I've had a few encounters, but I'm not allowed to talk about it. Very hush-hush.

A -- Butch: We work with an alien every day, and its name is "Shirley".

Q -- from flagg: any advice for someone in an aspiring band?

A -- Shirley: Yeah, go get a decent job.

A -- Steve: Stay in school!

A -- Butch: If you want to be in a band, do it because you love music, not because you want to be a star.

Q -- from nope: Whatever happened to the song "King Of Crime" that was on early track lists for Version 2.0?

A -- Shirley: We changed our minds! We erased it. It turned into "Look so Fine", actually.

Q -- from Antistar: Shirley, since you’re getting your license, will you be driving the tour bus from now on?

A -- Shirley: Absolutely!

A -- Duke: That won't be allowed!

A -- Butch: If Shirley is driving the tour bus, three boys will be hitchhiking!

Q -- from momobod: we all know you're film buffs, so have you been buying dvds by the truckload yet and is the studio overloaded with popcorn?

A -- Butch: I just got a boxed set of Stanley Kubrick's film, which is amazing. I've been obsessed with this popcorn that I got in LA, Kettlecorn, which is both salty and sugary… very addictive. I haven't found it in Madison, so maybe we need to get a franchise going!

Host: another obsession revealed

Host: Do any of the band members frequent the Internet and what sites do you often visit?

A -- Shirley:

A -- Shirley: One that's good for girls:, which has great beauty product and the like.

Q -- from Garbage Queen...what's your dream vacation?

A -- Duke: After being on the road for 20 months, my dream vacation was coming home.

Host: We have time for a couple more questions!

Q -- What challenges do you see in the future for Garbage?

A -- Butch: The main thing we're concerned with right now is making a great third album, we're trying to take what we learned from the first two and push the boundaries and still make great pop songs.

Q -- from Bezao: Did you guys ever get into a fight between yourselves?

A -- Duke: Yes!

Host: and for our last question of the event...

Q -- from Bezao: If you have only one more show to perform, where would it be?

A -- Shirley: Oooh, that's not a fair question! It would be in The Garbage Palace! Woohoo! Also, FYI, I'm now covered in Ruby Marker's shit. I just picked her up, and I'm covered in poop!

Host: Speaking of the Garbage Zone Palace, we will be moving people over there as we close the event! Meanwhile, any final comments from the band?

Butch: I think our last gig would be in Lambeau Field, home of the Green Bay Packers!

Shirley: We send you all love, and once again our gratitude for your continued support. I've got two question for you: If you hear any good records, mail us at the website and let us know? And second, why do you all choose the spaceman when logging onto The Palace? Dare to be different! My personal favorite is the old lady in the zimmer!

Host: Thank you for joining us today -- you have a lot of terrific fans (enthusiastic, interesting, and thoughtful!)

Duke: We hope to talk to you again, soon! Thanks for coming to talk to us!

Steve: We're going to try to get this record done as soon as we can so we can see you on the road!

Butch: While we're working on the record in the studio, we'll try to keep in touch with everyone through The Palace and the website.

Butch: We have our own icons (avatars), so if you see an icon of Shirley, Steve, Butch or Duke, it *is* us!

Host: And we've all appreciated you taking time from your busy recording schedule to join us.

Host: Take care!

Steve, Shirley, Butch, Duke: Goodnight!

2 chat...8/29/00

shirley_manson_gurl: A big hello from everybody here in Garbage.

Brunetteminx asks: Shirley, I love you, you are my idol! My question is have you seen most of the webpages in the large (and growing) community of fansites of Garbage? We're all very hopeful you'll come by and check us out.

shirley_manson_gurl: Yeah, we do check in every now and again, and marvel at the info that everyone gets a hold of. A common complaint heard is that "why doesn't my site look as good as that?" So yeah, we're in awe of the sites out there for Garbage.

samiad2000 asks: Shirley, what is your most favored part of the album development cycle? Do you prefer the early stages, where large changes can be made to unfinished tracks, or the perfection of near-completed songs?

shirley_manson_gurl: The bit that I like best about recording is lying on the couch, shouting orders at the boys and sitting and watching TV. I think it's well documented that I don't have as much patience as my band when it comes to the studio process.

blisteringheat2000 asks: Happy birthday Shirley! I notice on your studio diaries that you're really practicing your guitar. Will you be playing it during a lot more songs next tour, AND does this mean you won't be messing up "Wicked Ways" anymore? ;)

shirley_manson_gurl: I'll ignore that barbed comment! Yeah, I decided that I wanted to play more guitar in the live context because I got a little disheartened on tour last summer, when Garbage was playing all the summer festivals and I found myself to be the only female on the bill. I decided there and then that I would go back home and learn to play my guitar like a pro because I wanted to inspire people, particularly women, to pick up a guitar and make a noise!

passivesoul asks: In an interview, it is rumored that you said Britney Spears was "okay," while it was bugglegum queens like Christina Aguilera who you had issues against. Could you clarify this sentiment, if it is indeed true?

shirley_manson_gurl: It is indeed true that I've softened my hard line approach towards Britney, simply because if we're going to have any such vacuous pop stars in our midst, it's alright if it's Britney because she has a sense of humor--unlike the aforementioned and that hideous creature Mandy Moore. I try not to dis too many of my fellow female musicians, but I make an exception when they really hit rock bottom.

shirley_manson_gurl: Mandy Moore is foul, you must admit. She is absolutely hideous. I want to slap her from here to Tuesday.

pranoid_vixen asks: If you had to pick one Garbage song to listen to for the rest of your life, which one would you pick?

shirley_manson_gurl: Ooh. That's a good question. One I've not been asked before, which is miraculous. I'm going to choose two... either "Vow" or "Medication."

Luismoya asks: Shirley, what are the best new bands with truly new music?

shirley_manson_gurl:Ooh. I guess that depends what you're into. Right now, I'm in love with a band called sigur ros, and I love Cat Power. I'm looking around my desk right nowЙI have Laurent Garnier here... and a band called Thou which is very cool and a great rap CD I've been listening to called Mos Def.

aqua718 asks: What's the deal with your special gURLradio thing? I never heard of it and was wondering what it is about.

shirley_manson_gurl: Well, it's a radio program hosted by me which will be played on radio. is an online website and magazine...and they invited me to participate in the launch of their new radio station, and I jumped at the chance because I got to play some of my favorite songs of all time.

Dylaninla asks: If you were trapped on "Survivor" island with only one of your bandmates, who would you want it to be and why?

shirley_manson_gurl: Oh god, that's so difficult. That's not fair. That's like asking a mother to pick one of her children. I can't answer that question!

manolis_varnassinger asks: Shirley, your music rules and happy birthday! Where did you celebrate it and what was the most beautiful gift you got?

shirley_manson_gurl:Ooh. I celebrated it in Madison, WI, where we're recording our new album. I spent most of the day in the studio, went to my hotel room, practiced my guitar, worked out for an hour, then got all dressed up, met my girlfriends and the band and went out to a fabulous restaurant in town. Got drunk as skunks. And then went back to my girlfriend's and watched the live Kittie video. And my favorite gift was a beautiful, red-leather bound journal. And that's how I spent my birthday!

Barryeb asks:Do you have plans to release another collection of your videos or maybe a live show? On DVD?

shirley_manson_gurl: Yeah, we've been discussing all kinds of things like that; we were thinking of doing so when we came off the road in December. But due to some internal legal wranglings, we've been unable to. I don't know if anyone is aware, but our record company is in the process of being sold, which leaves us essentially label-less, but we're still bound by our contract to the label, which leaves us kind of frozen...

passivesoul asks: What are some of the guilty pleasures in which you indulge? Or has your existence as a "star" completely voided such things?

shirley_manson_gurl: Well, I'm not very good at denying myself guilty pleasures, but anyone who has been reading my studio diaries will be aware that I've been in a very strict regime lately. So I've been getting off on denying myself. But after the day in the studio, I get back to my hotel room at 2am...and microwave some popcorn, eat lots of chocolate...and essentially feel guilty...and then get back into the strict regime againЙit's a vicious cycle of torture!

Allaxis asks: Is the new album darker like the s/t, or is it like "Version 2.0," or is it something so incredibly amazing that you can't discuss or explain it? ;)

shirley_manson_gurl: Answer C please! At the moment it's too early to give a definitive answer, but so far it's heavier perhaps than "Version 2.0," but we might get bored with thatЙand who knows! Strip it down to bare minimalism.

ucsbgaucho2001 asks: I loved "Silence Is Golden" when you played it live on the Campus Invasion tour. Did you make any changes to it for the new album?

shirley_manson_gurl: "Silence Is Golden" is my favorite song so far by a million miles. And no, we haven't touched it since we recorded it, so it remains as you heard us play it back then.>

ithinkimparanoid2000 asks: Will there be any celebrity guest musicians on the new CD?? Rumors of a duet with Courtney?

shirley_manson_gurl: God, I'd love to sing with Courtney but I don't think we would be including anything like that on our record. We've had a hard time in the past distancing ourselves from "celebritydom" so I think this will be pure Garbage.

Onlyhappywhenitrainsinwi asks: Shirley, first of all I would like to thank you, you have helped me so much in my life. I just wanted to ask how you like Wisconsin? And will you be playing there next year?

shirley_manson_gurl: We'll definitely be playing here in Wisconsin for sure. And I've spent so much time here that I've grown to love it.

Aian_94123 asks: Do you feel that there is too much emphasis on physical appearance in the commercial part of the "Music Industry," or in society as a whole?

shirley_manson_gurl: Well, definitely in society as a whole, and the music business is merely a reflection of that. We live in a spiritual-less society in this place, at this time, sadlyЙtoo much emphasis on physical appearance.

Passivesoul asks: Why did you agree to be on the Jam tribute album? Are you a fan? And if so, what do you feel about the differences between The Jam, The Style Council and Paul Weller's solo stuff?

shirley_manson_gurl: Well, we did love the Jam, which is why we agreed to being involved in the compilation. I think we all consider Paul Weller to be a great songwriter. As far as analyzing the differences between his various bands, it would take me too long and this isn't the medium by which to do so.

imnotpunk83 asks: Ok Shirl, first off, you are totally amazing...Now for the question. When you are working on, or recording your songs, have you ever become depressed?

shirley_manson_gurl: Constantly. I find working in the studio severely depressing and I become extremely isolated, which doesn't help, but in the long run it's all worth it. And I don't think life would be as interesting without small bouts of depression.

Butterflyfiend asks: What ever happened to the b-sides album?

shirley_manson_gurl: Again, we had to shelve the idea for the time being due to our label's saleЙIt's a complicated issue but I think you get the idea.

DryiceX asks: What are your feelings on fans making remixes of your songs?

shirley_manson_gurl: Oh, we're totally in to it. And have over the course of five years received many incredible remixes by our fans. And in fact if you log on to our website, we have a link to some acid software which helps to facilitate remixing for our fans.

express427 asks: How do you feel about MP3s and Napster?

shirley_manson_gurl: Well again, anyone who's read my studio diaries will be well aware of my concerns surrounding MP3 downloading. I think that the issue is incredibly complex. And I'm hoping that all parties involved can come to some kind of arrangement where artist and consumer are both happy. As for the industries surrounding both parties, I hope they go to hell.

eloise07 asks: If you could be one person, from the past or present, for one day, who would it be?

shirley_manson_gurl: Ohh, god. Well, if I was to be a girl, I would like to be Mary, Queen of Scots. And if I were going to be a man, I would choose somebody flamboyant and witty, like Noel Coward.

Abushgrl16 asks: Do u guys have an official date of when the CD will come out?

shirley_manson_gurl: No. Don't ask questions like that! They make me edgy!

Broggikid asks: Who are your favorite book authors?

shirley_manson_gurl: Ohh, I have so many. Michael Ondaajte, Cormac McCarthy, William Boyd and Emile Zola.

Garbageoff asks: Hi Shirley...I love everything about you, including your outspokenness and political views. If you ever turn your back on the music industry (hope not), would you consider politics? You'd make a brilliant Scottish PM! Then I'd move from England to come and work for your cause.

shirley_manson_gurl: Never would I involve myself in politics. And that is my final answer on that subject.

nosebreak_1 asks: If u could be in one other band for the day which one would it be?

shirley_manson_gurl: Ohh, I'd be in the Beatles if I could turn the clock back. Definitely. I'd be John!

ucsbgaucho2001 asks: Have you found a name for your new album?

shirley_manson_gurl:We do...but we're not telling!

Samanthajored asks: Hi Shirl--are you going to make more garbage merch. for girls?

shirley_manson_gurl: Yes! As a matter of fact, I was discussing this very subject today; we've had lots of requests from fans for new merchandise. So there should be some up on the website before too long!

Dumbsky asks: If you could tell teenage girls everywhere one thing, what would it be?

shirley_manson_gurl: Be smart. That would be my one thing.

ucsbgaucho2001 asks:What did you think of Howard Stern when you went on his show?

shirley_manson_gurl: I love him. I think he's really funny and irreverent and he was an absolute pussycat to me and my bandmates. And really, you can only [be] debased on his show if you allow yourself to be.

Garbageoff asks:Hi Shirley! You've said, from a personal point of view, that the Garbage experience has been a Cinderella story. With the benefit of hindsight, is there one thing you'd change?

shirley_manson_gurl: Nothing. I don't believe in looking at your life past with any kind of regret. I think that's a waste of energy. I say you always look forward.

bunn_man_2000 asks: Have you ever beaten up guys? Have you ever lost?

shirley_manson_gurl: Uh, not technically. Verbally, yes. Physically, no, not really.

pixie_meatkc asks: Do u think female artists get treated with the same respect male artists do these days?

shirley_manson_gurl: Absolutely not. No. I think we're still treated like phenomena or secondary citizens. Either-or. But I do believe the climate will eventually change, the more female artists rise to the top. I don't believe we're without hope.

supavixen2 asks: Do you ever get writer's block? Or feel like you've written a song before??

shirley_manson_gurl: I completely believed that I had writer's block at the beginning of recording this time around, and I got completely freaked out and anxious and didn't write a word for quite some time. And then one day I walked into the studio and words came pouring out of me...and everything was fine.

rock_girl_112 asks: Given exactly 4 words, how would you describe yourself?

shirley_manson_gurl: A. loud. red. head.
shirley_manson_gurl: Thank you so much for tuning in. I hope you enjoy the radio show. We appreciate the support you have given us for so long...and for waiting so patiently...and we'll try to make a great record for you to enjoy! Much love, goodbye!


Нужны ли переводы? Надеюсь, что нет  :D


Untouchable написал(а):

Нужны ли переводы?

Почему же? Очень даже нужны :) В таких вот чатах порой очень интересные подробности всплывают! Я бы взялся, да времени нет, а через месяц и того гляди в армию загребут...


Ага, с армией та же фигня. Ну ладно, я уже начал переводить. Дословно всю шелуху не буду, только вопросы и ответы.

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